The Food Bank of Bolivia received the Maya 2023 award for Best Humanitarian Social Action Program.

nestle compromiso social

The Food Bank of Bolivia successfully passed the inspection conducted by AIB International with an outstanding score of 925/1000, an evaluation that tests and verifies the strictest international food safety standards and practices.

On July 6, 2023, Banco de Alimentos de Bolivia was evaluated by a qualified AIB International inspector under the requirements of the AIB International Consolidated Standards for Food Distribution Centers, which passed with an outstanding grade of 925/1000.

During the inspection, the following aspects were considered: Receiving, sorting, storage and distribution of perishable and non-perishable foods. “We are very happy to share with you that we passed our first international inspection conducted by AIB International with an outstanding score of 925/1000, which means that our facilities meet all the safety conditions for receiving, sorting, storing and distributing perishable and non-perishable food,” Nicole Guerrero Ruiz.

AIB International is a recognized food organization with many programs and services, some of which include the certification of companies within the food industry. AIB International trains personnel of companies seeking certification to bring their facilities to the highest internationally recognized standards of integrity, safety and cleanliness.

With this type of achievement, Banco de Alimentos de Bolivia demonstrates its continued growth and commitment to food safety. This certification reflects its ability to take on new responsibilities and challenges in its industry.

“Como parte de nuestro compromiso con la comunidad, estamos en mejoras continuas y estamos listos para enfrentar con determinación los desafíos futuros en la entrega de alimentos seguros y de calidad a nuestros beneficiarios” Nicole Guerrero Ruiz.

El Banco de Alimentos de Bolivia reafirma su compromiso con la lucha contra el hambre y el desperdicio de alimentos, y se compromete a mejorar continuamente sus procesos para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria.

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